Welly UI

My Role

Product Designer


Bao To
Linh Dang
Ruby Chang


48 hours


Figma, Procreate, Adobe Illustrator


I designed the UI of a social media app as part of DevFest's annual in-person hackathon.

This project is a result of rapid-ideation-and-prototyping over 48 hours, culminating in a functioning app made possible by the rest of the team with NextJS, NodeJS, Express, and MongoDB.

Wireframes (hi-fidelity):

User Flow:

Key Insights:


I decided to go with a pinkish color palette and rounded edges, combined to fit the mental health theme of the hackathon track and create a welcoming interface.

Encouraging connections

The interface is designed so that users can easily navigate and add friends or people they know with accessible icon placements.


All the money, progress, and tasks are displayed, allowing users to easily track their group's progress through the home screen.

What I've learned from this project:

- Techniques & short-cuts for rapid prototyping
- Learning from user feedback (interviewed 15 people)
- Working with front-end developers on interactive components
- Set clear deadlines for tiny individual components & features

Next Steps:

- Consider a more minimalistic design
- Finish the Front-end and Back-end code for the project

Thank You For Reading!